July 17, 2019Someone said, "When you buy an Apple device, you get into endless consumption of peripheral accessories." Although this sentence is a little too extreme, it is not wrong in principle. Since Apple laun...view
July 17, 2019At present, there are a large number of devices, including smart phones, tablet computers, even traffic recorders, GPS satellite navigation, etc. It transmits power through the USB interface. Extended...view
April 23, 2019China SourcingFair - Electronics&Components Hong Kong April, 2019During the fair, weshowed many new products to our regular and new partners, such as USB Charging cable,USB 3.0 Multi-display Adapt...view
July 17, 2019There are still some differences between charging lines and data lines.The data line can act as a charging line, but the charging line is not necessarily a data line. (Prices are different, of course....view